A review by technolass
Love Blind by Christa Desir, Jolene Perry


This was a good story. My rating is due to the fact that nothing turns me off faster in a book when an author/authors have their blind characters go around feeling faces, and act like this is okay. This is NOT okay, and perpetuates stereotypes that, as blind people, we try so hard to avoid. Yes, I get that this is fiction, but the inaccuracies and assumptions as the character loses her sight are things that are going to stick with readers. It's also implied that all blind people should have a dog to help them get around. This is personal choice, and as someone who was grabbed in a shopping mall and practically assaulted because of my choice not to use a dog, I find this to be extremely short-sided. "You people should be using a dog" was what I was told by the lady who grabbed my arm and held on until I threatened to yell for security. This was a statement that she most likely felt was perfectly acceptable, and was attempting to do her civic duty by "protecting" me since I didn't have a dog. That all blind people need to have, or use dogs,, is, again, a stereotype, and I personally feel that even in fictional books, it's important to get even these small details accurate.