A review by helpfulsnowman
A Second Chance at Sarah by Neil Druckmann


Man, people gotta stop making deals with the devil.

Seriously, does that shit EVER work out?

And people, this is a very simple equation. If you promised your first-born to the devil, have a baby right now and hand him over. THEN, when you're ready to raise a kid, you have your second, for-keeps baby.

What's the devil doing with all these babies, by the way? Is he just down in hell, surrounded by crying babies all the time? Is he thinking, "Geez, I should just take money or something"?

Babies are the worst possible thing you could take. They don't have jobs. They don't have interesting OR valid opinions on cinema. Oh, and if you want to basically hear everyone's advice on a topic? Carry a baby around. A guy with no teeth who lives in a cardboard triangle, not even a box because THAT collapsed, but a triangle, he will tell you that you're holding your baby wrong.