A review by babs_books
Hit by Lorie Ann Grover


I have extremely mixed feelings about Hit. The premise was intriguing, I really liked the briefness Grover wrote with and how quickly the story moved. I loved the small details she put in about the hospital procedures (like CAT scans making you feel like you need to pee). I instantly connected with Sarah and was rooting for her, I understood her families anger and difficulty coping. The parts of the book through Sarah’s head I really enjoyed.

What I didn’t like: the fact that Sarah is discharged at the end of the book. It seemed inconceivable to me that she was emergency airlifted to hospital, had emergency brain surgery and is discharged on day 3, when they’re still unsure of permanent brain damage. Surely the risk of complications alone would get her a few extra days in a general medical ward. Instead she appears to be discharged straight from ICU. For somebody who seemed to have taken time on the small details, like mentioning catheterisation and drains, it seemed like a strange leap to make. I also found Haddings character extremely unlikable. I understood he himself was young, but he was still an adult. Him denying any feelings and insisting to remain professional while sending her mixed messages infuriated me. I also hated that he basically stalked her. I get guilt, and I could emphasise with him over his shock of the accident but it seemed to me that his motivations were selfish, not wanting Sarah to be okay because her cared about her but so he could confess his feelings to her/set her straight, depending on how he was feeling at the time.

Overall, there were too many problems with this book for me to enjoy it. I feel like if it was dual perspectives between Sarah and her family, or even Sarah and a random hospital nurse/doctor I would have enjoyed it more. Or if the book had been longer and went more into Sarah’s recovery, how her and her family dealt post crash I might have given it more stars. As it stands this story holds a lot of promise but just doesn’t deliver.