A review by cmgriffin
Alphabet Squadron by Alexander Freed


There are a couple of things Alexander Freed always does really well, which cement him as one of my favorite authors writing Star Wars right now. First, he creates really vibrant characters, with distinct personalities and sometimes incredible flaws, and manages to bring you into their headspace. They're interesting, have diverse points of view, and you always come out understanding why they do everything they do - even when you disagree with them!

Second, he's really good at writing battle scenes. A lot of times I read a book with lots of fighting/action scenes in it and I find myself kind of skimming over the actual fights. Not when Freed is writing! I care about the characters involved, I care about the outcomes, I'm anxious about what will happen next.

All of this is extremely apparent in Alphabet Squadron, which has a big cast of characters, all of them really distinct and diverse, and some of the most well-written battle scenes I've read in a very long time. The first couple of chapters feel a little slow and disjointed (which is why I knocked off a star), but once things get going it's a very engrossing story. And every line Hera Syndulla utters is a gem, as always.