A review by booklover160
The Cruelest Mercy by Natalie Mae


3.5 stars rounded up.

This can't be the last book. Sure, it wraps up (a little too neatly) the plot of the book, but there's still an overarching plot that needs to be resolved. I hope it hits the required sales to get a book 3!!

[b:The Cruelest Mercy|42893678|The Cruelest Mercy (The Kinder Poison #2)|Natalie Mae|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1608144250l/42893678._SY75_.jpg|66678081] picks up not too long after [b:The Kinder Poison|42893340|The Kinder Poison (The Kinder Poison, #1)|Natalie Mae|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1587319334l/42893340._SY75_.jpg|66677747]. Jet is about to be crowned and Zahru hides that she has the gods' mark until Kasta reappears (this isn't a spoiler... it's in the summary) also with a mark. The two suddenly are poised to rule together while trying not to tear one another apart.

I liked that Zahru delved into her dark side and really becomes just as bad as Kasta. They would work SO WELL together if they weren't so delusional about one another. They are so convinced that one another are evil, but if they discussed things without letting their emotions get the better of them, things would have gotten done... but this is a YA story and these are all KIDS so they're emotional and stupid.

Yeah basically all I have to say about this is that if Zahru and Kasta could communicate, it would be a lot shorter of a series, but better in my opinion. I WANT them to be a dark dynamic duo. I WANT them to work together and defeat their foes. I want them to love one another openly.

Overall, a decent second book in the series and I desperately hope there's a book three because it needs it. (I mean, how can Serpent and Dove stretch into three books when this can't?! S&D needed to remain two books and this needs a third.)