A review by book_hoarding_dragon
Aftermath by Ann Aguirre


Ugh. That is what I think of this book, Ugh. I really enjoyed Grimspace but now... I'm getting tired of Jax and her "grimspace is a bitch mistress" attitude. Also, her selfishness throughout the entire book. Yes, she's wracked with survivor guilt and for the responsibility of killing the 600 hundred soldiers. I understand that, but she has had that attitude for all of the other books. It's just getting tiring.

I mention her selfishness. It really comes through in regards to March. At one point of the book, the things March and her want are different but instead of TRYING TO FIND A WAY TO DEAL WITH THAT, she leaves him! For someone who claims to love March so much she won't try to fight for him. She's always leaving March and he's always holding out for any scrap of attention she throws his way. I don't see why he loves her so much same with Vel. I absolutely adore the character of March, but I'm just getting tired of Jax. I actually found myself skimming through this book which I never thought I'd do with an Aguirre book, I usually like her stories. I don't know, maybe I'm less tolerate of this stuff since reading Songs of Scarabaeus. You have a character who has a haunted pass, but she's still likable.

After five books, I'd wish to have at least seen some growth with Jax.