A review by bookishboujeeandbossbabe
Below the Bones by Kendra Elliot


Cate is finally feeling settled back into her hometown and she is considering leaving the FBI life behind her. But the murderer hunting life isn’t ready to let her go when bones show up and are linked to a serial killer she put away 8 years prior. Time is working against her as she tries to keep him from killing again.

It took me until this novella to realize that the series is being written by two of my favorite authors. Each taking on a novella to write as part of the entire series. I am noticing that I seem to prefer Kendra Elliot’s books over the last two in the series written by Melinda Leigh.

Being novellas, they are understandably fast paced and can usually be read in an hour or so; but my only complaint is that sometimes the resolution is rushed. Things fall into place almost too easily. I do enjoy the fact that you get more characters written by these two authors; I just wish the attention to detail in their main series was also seen here too.