A review by rhganci
Halo: Cryptum by Greg Bear


How does a video game studio get a top-flight science fiction author like Greg Bear to cross-market books featuring characters in a video game release? Because for all its brand-association, this is not a half-bad novel.

The characters of this novel are well-defined, and the fact that they provide a context into Forerunner psychology, culture, strata, and involvement with the Halos is the kind of thing that rationalizes the Halo universe as a legitimate space opera in its own right. While it lacks the cosmopolitanism of the Mass Effect opera, the Halo story seems equally large in scope, and is a story that I am interested in learning more about. This novel was very helpful in making sense of the events of Halo 4 (which was a new story to me, not having played Halos 1-3), and I really appreciated how both contributed to greater picture that the gamemakers/storyrunners are creating.

I look forward to the next volume of the Forerunner Saga with excitement, as I do to some of the other Halo novels that will help bring me up to speed with the backstory of the Master Chief. And kudos to 343 Studios to scoring Greg Bear to help hook in a newcomer like myself!