A review by itsallbooksbaby
Beautiful Nightmares by K.J. Sutton


I’m beyond obsessed with this entire series. I haven’t enjoyed a fantasy series like this since Sarah J. Maas’ stuff. I’m honestly blown away by how enthralled I am by all of these characters.

I also cannot BELIEVE I have to wait for the next book to come out. I am - and will be for the foreseeable future - ACTIVELY pining. I’ve been in a reading slump ever since finishing this, I haven’t been able to read any fantasy romance books since.

I feel like these characters are my friends and I genuinely miss them and their world. This series is going to 100% become a reread. It’s gained top tier status in my personal library, I can’t stop looking at fanart. It’s consumed me.

I was already planning on getting a few bookish tattoos, quotes and fine like drawings, little things, next year. I think I may have to add one of this series’ quotes to the list. I’m in love with these characters, their world, everything about these books.