A review by im211
The Enchanted Sonata by Heather Dixon Wallwork


It’s a fairytale retelling you didn’t know you needed.
W hen the flute played that night, only the children could hear it.

A quirky, incredible, amusingly twisted The Pied Piper of Hamelin and The Nutcracker retelling, following the perspectives of the Emperor of a dreamlike land, an outsider whisked away from her home and of course the piper …with way too many toys and nutcrackers scattered about.

The story sets off with a talented pianist, whose world revolves around pianos and concerts. & certainly not being landed right into a frivolous, magical but deep in mayhem kingdom. Every child in the land has been turned to toys and every soldier a Nutcracker, by an oddly smiling man who appears with a flute. Kingdom in chaos and the royal guard stack of nutcrackers, Clara with a Princely nutcracker at her side fight their way through to undo the curse, get back home, her big show and have her happily ever after…nut things get more tangled up than she can imagine.

This was such an entertaining read, I didn’t expect it to be so adventure filled, humorous, and a fulfilling story.
“You hwill follow me!” You did not disobey someone who added h’s to their w’s.
The world is ridiculous, magical, carrying the fairy tallish tones of description while keeping it relevant with the dilemmas characters face in the book. The resolutions the characters try to find are both plausible and bizarre, so it never really loses touch of being an outlandish land real life quandaries.

Each characters has their own quirks, even though the gloomy atmosphere it doesn’t fail to keep it amusing.

Clara is confused…but she can’t turn down her chance to help upright this alien world, after all she wasn’t alone. I enjoyed the banter between Clara and the Nutcracker, it portrayed both youth and maturity of the characters; Nutcrackers awkwardness and Clara’s bewilderment as their friendship blossomed and how both got to unveil much more of their own potential all in the process of breaking the curse.
“Do you know that feeling,” he said, “when you stick your finger in your ear, and wiggle it around a bit?”“Um,” said Clara. “It feels a lot like that.” Clara decided to be silent for a while.

There’s the right amount of action, you get adequate share of Clara’s girly moments with the Nutcracker’s moments of fear of failing and not bwing good enough. and how they grow as the story progrssed.

the sweetness of a fairy-touched romance reminded her of Johann, and his beautiful music. It wouldn’t be long now. “You’re a romantic, Miss Clara?”

He just needed a chance. Something to prove he could be a good emperor. He needed to... to lead a battle charge...or join the regiments on the southern border or... or something.

We even get to see the side characters growth too without it feeling detached or surplus to the story. …I thoroughly enjoyed all of this.

Ive come across this authors books previously and never really got around to pick any of them up, but now Im looking forward to seeing more of her work,