A review by locpressedbooks_
Every Reasonable Doubt by Pamela Samuels Young


Wow. I haven'd read a good legal thriller since the Client, and this was everything. It was fast paced, always kept my interest and it wasn't so bogged down with legal jargon that it was hard to follow. Vernetta was funny, witty, and strong and I enjoyed her POV. Her husband, Jefferson reminded me so much of the men, including my husband, that I have met in my life. With there views on adoption and the whole machismo that poured out their mouths with every line spoken. It wasn't too much and it was easy to see that yes he was a man, and had male ideas about what a wife was to do for him, but you can also see the weak parts in himself that he could only show his wife. I loved that. He was a such a realist character. I don't think that he was whiny at all.

Special, her home girl, was another character/friend that I felt every women has. That one friend that always says whats on her mind, even when you don't want to hear it, but have to hear it anyway. Vernetta's working relationships with both David and Neddy, especially Neddy, was something to admire. Being the only two African American Women at this law firm, at first you do feel like you have to be enemies (which I think it stupid, and brings up that whole thing about crabs in a barrel, but no one seems to understand, that a barrel isn't the crabs natural habitat but whatever) then being placed on this case made them put all that crap to the side and a great friendship bloomed.

But all in all, enjoyed this book. It was thrilling, but it wasn't as thrilling as I thought it might be. But since this wasn't from a POV of a PI or police officer, I can see why it wasn't THAT thrilling. The conversations were realistic and flowed very well. The characters were easy to see and I def will be reading the rest of this series.