A review by biancareadsbook
The Boy Who Lived in the Ceiling by Cara Thurlbourn



Thank you to the publisher, Wisewolf Books for providing me with an e-arc in exchange for an honest review

The concept of this book is so unique and I genuinely didn’t know what to expect but I really liked it. The story is really quick but has a deep meaning and really made me appreciate what I had more.

The Boy Who Lived in the Ceiling is a touching story filled with hope, friendship, forgiveness and family. The story is told from the perspectives of Freddie and Violet, which I really enjoyed in this case. Freddie is homeless and he has to carry a secret that is slowly crushing him. His story really focuses on how people react to those on the outskirts of society – most would ignore or go around them and it’s true. Violet has her own problems too. Her family is slowly crumbling and she’s moving schools. She doesn’t want to burden her already fighting family with her problems and so she has no one to talk to.

The main characters are so relatable and real. They have their problems and faults and struggle to deal with them. As I mentioned, the plot and concept of this book is different and unique but keeps you hooked hoping to learn more. I wanted to know what Freddie was hiding and when I found out I felt so bad for him. The dialogue between all characters was raw and filled with emotion. One of my favorite scenes has to be when Freddie called out Aisla for being mean. Even if the topics were heavy, Cara Thurlbourn approached them with care and in a subtle way.

Read more on my blog here