A review by georgiewhoissarahdrew
Any Given Lifetime by Leta Blake


3.75 stars
I haven't read many re-incarnation stories (not since Andrew Lang's [b:The World's Desire|3531292|The World's Desire |H. Rider Haggard|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1259959333i/3531292._SY75_.jpg|2877110] - caveat lector) so perhaps "Any Given Lifetime" is full of re-incarnation tropes, but I enjoyed it a lot. Partly because I wanted to see how Neil & Joshua got together again, partly because the secondary characters (Joshua's husband Lee, Neil's second mother Alice) were drawn with sensitivity and care. A little quibble: Joshua was just a little under-characterised -- though in part that's because Neil, when he let loose, was exhilaratingly over-the-top.
The whole thing was neatly done.