A review by jscarpa14
Blue Lines by Toni Aleo


I had a dnf in this series and told myself I'd never read it again but I decided to give this one a chance anyway and it was a fairly good book. There are still parts that bother me, like the way it's never really acknowledged that Piper is everyone's doormat and she doesn't really grow in the book. The only time she tells her sisters no is when Erik makes her and while they apologize to her at one point there's never a scene where she acknowledges they've done anything wrong. She just continues to make excuses for everyone in her life as they use and mistreat her. The person she makes the most excuses for is Erik because hands down this guy doesn't deserve her.
There's also a scene where the hockey players discuss other women getting them hard because its apparently just being a man to get hard around hot women even when they're in love and to be all.about sex 24/7. The thing is not only is that stereotype so overdone I don't believe it's true either. My bestie is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in person. She's also the sweetest but I used to hate introducing anyone I dated to her, not because she ever did anything questionable, but because I knew for days afterward the person I was dating would gush to me about my hot best friend. I would get the I love you but I mean I have eyes and Becky is hot, not that I'd ever leave you for her. Even my high school sweetheart asked her out the week before he asked me and she turned him down because she knew I liked him. She's not to blame for this of course because you couldn't ask for a better best friend and she can't be expected to control that most guys are dicks. Anyway I knew my husband was the one when he met Becky and he told me she was nice. As in friendly, with all my past experiences of course I questioned what he thought of her physically and he told me she wasn't his type. Even if he'd met us both at the same time he still would have approached me and for the first time in my life the guy I was dating didn't make me feel insecure about my appearance compared to my could be a model best friend. If you're in love there isn't an excuse for lusting over ever woman with a great body and it's part of being a guy mentality is an insult to women in general. If a guy actually loves you, you're enough. And honestly I don't buy that Erik actually loves Piper. It's a nice story, but I don't actually believe that this couple will still be together years down the line.

And can I just add I am so fed up with blondes in romance, even here as she describes her hair as blondish brown, he thinks of her as blonde. Blonde is not the be all and end all of beauty and like this one at least 80 percent of the romances I read feature a blonde leading lady. It's a pretty hair color sure, but give me a break. It's honestly getting to the point that I start scowling every time another heroine has blonde hair.