A review by aleatorizzy
Dykette by Jenny Fran Davis


I will say first the 4.5 is literally just because Sasha exclusively refers to her vagina/vulva during the sex sense or just generally as "kittycat". I thought it was a joke at first and then it wasn't a joke.

I read this via audiobook and I think that really made the experience; the internal, analytical, Iowa style point of view worked well as something spoken and the stress on certain words or phrases was very conversational. I feel if I read this in print I would get very tired or turned about by Sasha's self-dissections. The entire book is Dyke Drama to the MAX and hearing it via audio was like discovering bits of gossip. I actually burst out laughing at certain points, like when they discuss Lou's resin cutting board business or the lesbian beach volleyball tournament on fire island or getting cancelled on twitter for? femmephobia? biphobia? both actually! 

So on the nose it was almost painful: obliquely wealthy, lesbian-sexy and fucking crazy. There was so much packed into this book and so much deeply wrong with all of these people and it felt so familiar and yet so hilariously like discovery. I think any young dyke will see some of themselves or their social circles in this book, and hopefully leave it thinking "wow, we're fucking crazy but at least its a few steps shy of XYZ". Also the first book I've read with a he/him butch character for real and I want more of that.