A review by hyperashley
No Plain Rebel by M.C. Frank


This series continues to impress me. It got pretty exciting when Astra and Felix begin figuring things out. I've never rooted for characters to succeed as hard as I'm rooting for these characters. I feel so connected to them and I just want them to achieve what they are setting out to do, you know to save the world and such.

Astra is still my favorite character in this series so far. Though, her quirkiness didn't shine quite as brightly as it did in the first book. This book answered some questions that I had from book one because it dove into other important characters that needed to be brought in. I love how even though these characters don't know what love is they know they are developing feelings for each other and it's not hate. I couldn't help but smile at their budding feelings for each other.

I see that I have messed up because now I have to wait for book three even though I need it now. After the ending of this book, I'm definitely excited to see what happens next because "it's ten heartbeats until midnight."