A review by sapphirestars
The Living Dead by John Joseph Adams


What a journey it has been with this novel! Taking approximately a month to read this ensured that I read and formed a distinct opinion about each story in the collection. Starting off with a bang with "This Year's Class Picture", a fantastic story perhaps the best in the book, each story presents different views and genres of zombie stories...some of which I would hesitate to call zombies even in the loosest sense of the word. Stories such as "Some Zombie Contingency Plans" and "Everything is Better with Zombies" do not actually involve the undead at all.

However I was glad for each story and really fell in love with some of them. I would say the best short stories featured in this book include (but are not limited to):

This Year's Class Picture
The Third Dead Body
Beautiful Stuff
Sex, Death, and Starshine
Home Delivery (which being a [a:Stephen King|3389|Stephen King|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1261866457p2/3389.jpg] short story, I had of course already read)
Sparks Fly Upwards
Meathouse Man
Dead Man's Road
The Skull-Faced Boy

This anthology has a very diverse collection of stories and the above mentioned are the ones I will remember most and recommend. I am glad to have read each one, although some stories were lackluster many were poignant and interesting to me.