A review by nixwolfwood
Rain by Amanda Sun


I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I've been looking forward to this book since I finished Ink, about a year ago. As the count down for it's release came closer, I became more and more excited.

When I actually received the book, I was actually nervous about starting it. Ink was one of my top 10 books from last year, and I was worried that I had built up my excitement for the sequel - and I didn't want to be disappointed.

I have to say this... I was worried for nothing. Holy freaking fluff balls, this book... I had to compose myself so I could put my feelings for it into words.

I don't know how she did it, but Rain was much better than Ink... which is saying a lot, because I loved the first book. Maybe it's because I already knew the characters, so she could get more into the story, but I think it's because their was more folklore in this one.

There was still a lot of action, with the kendo matches and ink, the romance felt more intense, and their was one character that I wanted to jump into the book and shake because they were so selfishly cruel. Just like both Shadow and Ink, I couldn't put this one down. (Who needs sleep when you're reading a good book, am I right?)

Absolutely loved this story. It will definitely make it into my top books again this year. I cannot wait to read the third one next summer.

5/5 Platypires
