A review by lunaseassecondaccount
Glimmerglass by Jenna Black


Good God this was bad.

Okay, it wasn't awful- it certainly wasn't the worst book I've read- but this was still bad. I love urban fantasy, and I love YA urban fantasy for some bizarre reason, but this... I just found myself rolling my eyes on every page.

First off, the world building was a little odd. I couldn't figure out just how well known Avalon was, and why nobody seemed to give a flying fuck that there was a whole magical world in a pocket in England. This could have been a huge thing. Unlike other urban fantasy novels I've read, where the fantasy part is a massive secret, this could have been amazing. Fae just walking down the street with humans. Race wars. The struggle for power in politics. Laws on magic use and the sharing of magic. Instead, it was just vaguely glossed over.

Then there was Dana's alcoholic mother, whose portrayal I found vaguely offensive. It both reeked of stereotypical behaviour and a real lack of insight. The same thing with the so-called self defense training, that went absolutely nowhere. I almost choked laughing when I read about Keane teaching her to headbutt. That's one of first things you're taught NOT to do. You're far more likely to hurt yourself than your would-be victim.

Ethan was just disgusting. I don't give a shit about his intentions, he sexually assaulted her.

I don't know what Kimber was so rude half the time, and why she was apparently on Dana's shit list halfway through. Also, can she please have a character trait beyond alcoholic-in-training? Given Dana's issues with her alcoholic mother, I didn't think she'd buddy up with someone who seemed to consume whisky with every meal. Also, as someone who did grow up with alcoholic parents, it took a long time for me to get over the mere smell of alcohol, let alone drink it.

Finally, Dana swung between fairly cluey to being a real idiot. Okay, this could be written off as standard teen behaviour, but that didn't seem to be Black's intention.

I'm glad I picked this up at a second hand store, as I'd hate to have paid full price for this.