A review by zurpel
Trickster's Queen by Tamora Pierce


I always like rereading/-listening Tamora Pierce's books. When I first read them I didn't count the Trickster-books among my favorites, but they have grown on me.

This is the second book of two, following the story where [b:Trickster's Choice|6547550|Trickster's Choice (Daughter of the Lioness, #1)|Tamora Pierce|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1328046501s/6547550.jpg|952544] left off. It tells the story of the Balitangs' return to the capital Rajmuat, their struggle with the regents and the conspiracy's efforts to get a raka queen on the throne. The darkings also make a significant appearance.

Aly is a very witty heroine and in this volume she shows the extend of her abilities by become the head spy of the conspiracy, leading her "pack" of spies and tapping into new methods to get to information. I love her relationship to Dove and her conversations with the darkings and Taybur.

Trini Alvarado is a great narrator and gives the right tone to the story, making me laugh or weep at all the right places.