A review by jmsv45
Fear by Michael Grant


Seriously, I can't wait for Light. WHEN IS IT COMING OUT.
Writing reviews for a series is actually pretty difficult because the elements are usually the same. I have got to say that I love how the story is progressing. The plot just got so intense and the stakes are SO HIGH.
I. Love. It.
The ending has left me wanting so much more. I can't even believe some of the stuff that went down. Were some characters absolutely stupid? Yeah, of course.
Am I a bit sad about Astrid? Yeah.
Little jealous?
I'd rather not say. That's besides the point.
I still admire Sam, although as far as being a leader goes, he really is better at it in conflicts.
I don't know if I have a favorite character per se. I like them all for different reasons. Except for the ones I hate. And even then, the lines a little blurred, ya know?
Tough stuff in this series. Sci-fi always gets me. Especially because it always manages to bring up the question of morals and what-the-heck-would-I-do-in-this-situation?
Recommendation: sci-fi lovers, lovers of the series, people who love action/drama