A review by caterpie_reading
The Trench by Geoff Johns


Actual rating: 4.5/5 stars

That was an extremely interesting story. I was captivated the whole time. And even though it is not a lighthearted story arc, there are moments that are simply delightful to read. But I also liked the darker part of the story. Furthermore, I enjoyed Aquaman as a superhero, the glimpse we get from his personality I really liked. And Mera as a character I just adored. She is so badass and sassy, she actually made me crack up a few times. I also liked the 'villain' we have in this volume, it is a nice introduction into Aquaman's world and I am excited to see other villains of his. Moreover, I loooved the art style, it is so pleasing to the eyes. Just awesome. I'm looking forward to reading the next volume. I haven't seen much of him, but Aquaman can easily become one of my favorite superheroes.