A review by emmaemmaemmaemma
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia


Visiting Mexico City around Halloween? Looking for a creepy novel set in the same locale? Maybe not, but I was, and this fit the bill. Mexican Gothic was perfectly set as most of the novel took place in the area just outside of Pachuca, which I happened to also spend part of my trip in.

Noemi is new money, and not easily controlled, two attributes that become important to the story that unfurls as she goes on a quest to discover the truth behind her cousin and the eerie letter she sent in a moment of lucidity.

Blood, nightmares, and a mycelial chokehold come together to weave a strictly unsettling story, that somehow also holds romance in the quieter moments. I would have loved to have experienced more of this novel outside of the home, but understand why it took place where it did. Howard is one of the most disgusting pictures a book has ever painted for me, and I’m happy to be done with this book in the sense that it means I never have to have his attributes described to me again.