A review by amdame1
Inky's Amazing Escape: How a Very Smart Octopus Found His Way Home by Sy Montgomery


This is the true story of an octopus named Inky. He was injured, caught off the coast of New Zealand by a lobsterman, and brought to an aquarium in Wellington. He stayed there for 2 years while he explored, grew, and healed. However, one night, his cage was left slightly open and he escaped from the cage, down a drain, and back out into the Pacific!

The students in my self-contained SPED classroom enjoyed this story - one of them even gave it 10 stars on a 5 point scale. =P We also looked up a YouTube video from 2016 to show them live reports of his escape.

Sy Montgomery is an excellent non-fiction science writer. Illustrations help capture the story with accuracy and color. There are also fun octopus facts at the end.