A review by uditnair24
On Immunity: An Inoculation by Eula Biss


The author tries to weave a story through hard hitting research and personal experiences. The intergenerational approach added with current political environment over vaccination makes it an interesting read.

The areas where the book stands out is the precise combination of science of vaccination added with other aspects related to vaccination. The author is able to give out the historical data along with some of the personal anxieties which surround the individuals. Another exciting aspect is the use of literary metaphors throughout the essays. It might not be liked by all but surely is a novel approach.

If one is not very comfortable with reading dry non fiction book then this turns out as a saviour. The narration is beautifully weaved as a story and hence can be termed as fiction and non fiction at the same time.

Only problem with the book is that the view point of the author is not clearly articulated. Often the message is hidden behind the wide usage of metaphors. Though largely she addresses the science behind the vaccination but also tries to cater towards the fears of anti vaccine brigade. I think the balancing act here might not be liked by all.

Being said that this book is actually a nice read overall.