A review by ofbooksandromance
Zero Divergence by Aimee Nicole Walker


5 ‘’The Grand Adventures of Dickhead and Asshole’’ stars

’’Everything does change when you meet the person meant for you,” Royce said. “I crave things I never realized I wanted before, and I find myself suddenly impatient to have them. Blanket forts and glitter slime were things I had planned to experience only as a favorite, honorary uncle, but never as a father, until I met you, and now I can’t wait. Someday, I’m going to make you mine in every possible way, and we’re going to raise some hellions.”

I don’t have much to say except gloat about how fucking much I adore Sawyer and Royce. Holy shit. These two have become two of my favourite book characters of all time. Like always, I adore Sawyer’s tenderness and calm compared to Royce’s recklessness, they make the perfect foil for each other. They’re so perfect for each other, both as partners during their detective work and as life partners.

The murder case we were following in this one was really damn interesting and I really enjoyed all that went on with that. The previous two books in this series were really fast passed and fascinating to read and it was the case here too. But this one was the most interesting one to me. It just had something about it that pulled me in and didn’t want to let me go.

But lets be honest, as much as I enjoyed following the case, what I loved the most, as always, was the relationship between Sawyer and Royce. I fucking adore how much these two communicate, they always talk about their problems and not once do they not communicate about their issues. Every time an issue arrived, they stayed calm and talked to the other about it and I loved that so so much. And I adored how they had no secrets, they shared everything with the other and it was so damn nice to see. Them already being in a very established and commited relationship could have been the perfect moment for them to start not communicating, but thankfully that didn’t happen. They communicated perfectly about everything and were as much in love as always, which was so fucking nice to see. I loved reading about them doing their job and about them being madly in love with each other. I had such a good time while reading this book. I kept swooning because Locke and Key are just the best together.

A couple of things I adored that deserve a special mention are jealous Royce, god that was so great, the way these two tease each other, I have always loved how their pet names for each are Asshole and Dickhead and I loved how comfortable they are with each other. These two didn’t hide anything from the other and I just adore their communication so so much.

A couple examples of how swoony these two are:

Exhibit A:
“In case you haven’t figured it out yet, you’re my prize. I fucking love you.”

Exhibit B:
. . . but Sawyer was his key to everything he’d ever wanted, plus the things he’d never allowed himself to wish for when he blew out birthday candles as a kid. Sawyer was his everything.

Exhibit C:
“Of course, I believe you,” Royce said, reaching over to cup the back of Sawyer’s neck. “I’m the second half of this whole, so I know damn well what we have is precious and rare.”

I don’t have anything else to say, this series is fucking brillant and Royce Locke and Sawyer Key are two of my favourite book characters ever, I love them so damn much. But mostly, I just love them together, they’re so fucking perfect for each other.