A review by caffeinatedcrystal
Pretty Boy by K.M. Neuhold

  • Loveable characters? Yes


*sighs* I read PRETTY BOY when it came out, and haven't reread it since. So I was more than happy to spend Daddy's Day reading a daddy book.

Sterling lives in a little town in Texas. He's an outcast there for more than just the birthmark on his face. But that's the thing he focuses on. He's shy and timid, spending all his time working at the one bar in town to support himself and his mama. And then a very handsome stranger walks into the bar one night...

Barrett is just traveling through a tiny town on his way to a meeting in Dallas. It's almost like fate made him stop in this little bar - and there he sees Sterling. Who just happens to be everything Barrett ever wanted.

Conversations happen, and Sterling takes a chance - leaving his small town behind and moves to Las Vegas with Barrett.

This is such a sweet, heartwarming story... with spice and daddy kink. Sterling learns he IS worthy of love, and Barrett finally finds the partner he's always wanted.

Sterling really is a sweetheart. He loves reading even though he's "not a good reader," so Barrett reads to him. ***swoon factor one thousand!*** Sterling refuses to be a kept man and gets a job (and friend!) at a little bookstore.

We love a strong, supportive king, and Barrett practically worships the ground Sterling walks on. He doesn't have an easy job with convincing Sterling that his birthmark doesn't bother him. I guess when you personally see what you think is a flaw, the hardest person to accept that it ISN'T a flaw is yourself.

I loved this story.
I loved the dirty talk.
I loved the storytelling.
I loved Sterling's country accent.
I loved the bookmobile.

It's such a good story with great characters. I'm looking forward to rereading Em's book next!