A review by fairestofthestars
The Architect of Song by A.G. Howard


I really enjoyed reading this!
I didn't expect to like it this much. I'm not into ghost stories, but I like [b:Splintered|12558285|Splintered (Splintered, #1)|A.G. Howard|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1340134213s/12558285.jpg|17562095] series so I gave it a try. I did feel more 'at home' with the Splintered series (but I guess that's just because I love everything Alice-themed), but I like [a:A.G. Howard|5186274|A.G. Howard|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1325561918p2/5186274.jpg]'s writing style.

Our main protagonist Juliet is deaf, has been for most of her life. She's just lost her mother, and now holding on to her home, her sanctuary is questioned by the interest of eccentric Lord Thornton. She saw him by a grave labeled 'Hawk' in a distressed state. Due to her 'investigation' she found an unusual flower at the base of the gravestone, and took it home. By touching the petals, Juliet awakens a ghost- with no memories whatsoever. Now Juliet must balance her life- between questions who to trust, what to believe in, how to save her heart from tragic love and how to untangle a web of lies and secrets.

I really enjoyed all the characters, the pace of the story and its mysteriousness. I liked how I could never completely make up my mind on anything really, who is honest, who is not. I like Juliet's growth as a character, and the way that every relationship was linked.
This was a dark, compelling and mysterious novel, and I can hardly wait for the sequel! :)