A review by sams_fireside
Interland by Gary Clark


It was an honour to be asked to read and review Interland (Interland Series Book #2) by Gary Clark before the publication date of 26 April 2021, and I would like to thank the author for this opportunity. Once again it was a delight to read a Gary Clark novel and a joy to discover the next adventures for Jay, Cassie and Stitch.

Towards the end of Gary Clark’s previous novel, The Given, Jay and her friends discovered the Interland and found safety from the warped government officials on the outside. However, it is quickly becoming apparent that the outside world is on a downward spiral, Jay’s friend Cassie has gone missing, and the Readers are slowly getting closer to ruling in a way they believe is right.

Jay, therefore, has no alternative other than to leave the safety of the Interland, search for Cassie and find out what is going wrong on the outside. Accompanied by her friends, and with the help of the energy of the elements around her - the land, the sea, the creatures and the mountains, Jay sets out to once again try and defeat the Readers. Meanwhile, back at the Interland, all is not as it should be, and Jay’s brother Sammy and his friends are left fighting a battle of their own.

Once again, the author’s talent for writing takes you on the same journey as Jay and her friends, and many time I felt that I wanted to be alongside them, helping in any way I could!

The book demonstrates teamwork, and how, with the help and support of others, you can achieve the goals you set yourselves despite the obstacles that often jump in the way.

Although aimed as a book for Young Readers, I would nonetheless recommend this to anyone who enjoys a dystopian fantasy novel, both young and old alike. After all, who doesn’t need to escape now and then!