A review by bookmarkedbya
Friends Forever 25th Anniversary Ed: The One About the Episodes by Jeannine Dillon, Bryan Cairns, Gary Susman


While I can't compare this book to any of the others that came out about Friends in 2019, I can say that I really enjoyed this! The bulk of this book is going through several episodes per season, giving a synopsis, and then providing a few insider facts. I enjoyed taking a walk down memory lane with the synopses, although they weren't 100% necessary for someone like me who has seen the series several times. I did enjoy the clarifications that were made on time-sensitive jokes that have always gone over my head, though! The bulk of the insider information can be found at the front and back of the book, which discusses the characters' casting, how the show came about, and much more. I learned a lot of cool things from this book and thoroughly enjoyed reading it, but I would have liked even more inside information and thoughts straight from the cast.