A review by yapha
Crystal Keepers by Brandon Mull


This third book in the Five Kingdoms series picks up right where [b: Rogue Knight|17571273|The Rogue Knight (Five Kingdoms, #2)|Brandon Mull|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1392235856s/17571273.jpg|24510909] left off. (It is imperative to read this series in order!) Cole, Jace, Mira, Dalton, and Joe are making their way to Zeropolis in search of Mira's sister Constance. Zeropolis is the most technologically advanced of the kingdoms, using the shaping power to create bonded crystals as a source of energy. Once there, however, nothing goes as planned. The allies that they meet up with are under attack and no one seems to know where Constance is. Can Cole and his friends survive these new threats and continue their mission? Recommended for fans of both Science Fiction and Fantasy, grades 5-8.