A review by stephanie_says
Challenged by You by Steph Nuss


I'm such a fan of Steph Nuss' writing style and the entire Love in the City series but Steph KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK with Challenged By You!!

I love that Steph has such a specific writing style and it has stayed constant throughout the series but I feel like us readers got so much more of the talent and heart that she has to offer.

Paige's story is heart wrenching and tore my heart from my chest but mended it completely by the end. When I originally read the prologue I was like "oh great another one of those stories. I think the ball might be dropped on this one." IM SO GLAD I WAS WRONG!!

The way Steph developed Paige's character from prologue to chapter 1 and from chapter 1 to the end was absolutely flawless. And just the raw feelings that shined through each of the characters, whether major or minor, were executed in a way that I never questioned if they were authentic, they just were. From start to end.

Steph Nuss you continue to wow us with your great work and I appreciate your commitment to us fans who have fallen in love with this series❤️

Ps be prepared with at least 2 boxes of tissues