A review by kzimm2024
A Substitute Wife for the Prizefighter by Alice Coldbreath


Another winner from Alice, a honest female with an opinion and a burly male that needs that tender touch. He could have been more of a jerk but thankfully he wasn't. I liked how he was fiercely loyal to her and it was surprising until you knew his history. I liked seeing their story unfold.

Usually these romances are about the woman and how she feels/her history. There is some of that, but since she is an orphan there isn't much. This book is more about Benedict and how he came about to the belief he needed respectability in his life and to be successful and then stumbled upon the woman he loves as he pursued his dreams.

He listened to his (gut) inner voice a lot which seems rare in a novel (for the man). Maybe it is there but they just don't spell it out that I remember.

I am the type of person that likes it when an author walks us thru their daily life and I enjoy the little conversations about mundane things (if I like the characters and the banter is sharp and fun). So this book did not bother me at all, I feel like I really got a feel of the life in a caravan and at the fair. It was pleasant.

One reviewer said it didn't have any real drama since things (like Lizzie missing and Benedict upset she was gone) were wrapped up quickly and not dragged out- I am fine with that. I hate the novels where the characters jump to conclusion, storm away in anger and tears and it takes way too much energy and emotion to fix something that could have been resolved simply.

My life has enough drama that I don't need it in my escapes :) One negative? Some of the food choices listed- gross- no more talk of jellied eels please.