A review by tawfek
Daytripper by Gabriel Bá, Fábio Moon


If someone told me three years ago that i will someday read a magical realism graphic novel on the highest level i would have told him you are tripping.
I was overwhelmed at the last 100 pages if i wasnt sleepy already i would have finished this yesterday
This is A graphic novel about Life in all its beauty all its sadness all its ups and downs
This is a graphic novel that lets you pause for a minute and think to yourself that you are actually living
it was beautiful with all its hopes and fears and sadness and happiness it was life , as it should always be
This is what all of us would feel if we someday get to step back and see the big picture the whole picture the divine beauty of it all
I am imperessed really i love magical realism which most of the time is only portrayed in novels and its the first time i read it in a graphic novel and get to see it as well with the beautiful art work of gabrial ba
the pacing of the artwork itself was amazing you can understand everything if you just understand what magical realism is all about thanks to how the art and the writing were blending together in a perfect sync
Thanks for making this masterpiece and thanks for giving us the opportunity to enjoy it.