A review by amymorgan
Too Afraid to Cry by Ali Cobby Eckermann


Thank you Edelweiss for my review copy of this book.

I'm not quite sure what to think about this story. A memoir of a woman who was an Aboriginal recounts her life with both her adopted family and later in life her Aboriginal family as she is reunited with them.

The author suffered many tragedies during her childhood and as an adult. This story is about finding her way back from the dark places she often found herself in and finding new joys in life by learning from and connecting with the family she was taken from as a child.

I think that parts of this were too scattered and confusing so a lot of it did not make sense to me. And I just could not connect with the poetry at the end of most of the chapters. All in all the story had an interesting premise I think I was just expecting more background and information on the kidnapping of the Aboriginal children from reading the synopsis of the book but overall still a very interesting story.