A review by blodeuedd
Thief's Magic by Trudi Canavan


It was different, but then fantasy mixed with industrialism always is. Flying cars + magic, makes it different.

The book has 2 POVS, 2 worlds. First there is Tyen, a student of magic and sometimes archaeologist (well grave robber). Here they use magic for a lot as technology has made it into the world, but not by its own means, but by magic. Tyen was somewhat grey at times, he was a follower, but he finds his way. And grows a bit of backbone.

The other world was actually more interesting. Here priests rule and if you use magic you are brought somewhere else and probably killed. In This world we have Rielle, whose family is trying to better their status. I must confess that she was grey at times too. She was a follower, but like Tyen she finds her own way too. With quite a bang, for her at least.

That world grew even more interesting at the end when I learned some hidden truths. While Tyen's world was a bit too modern, not in a bad way, but they were all yes magic, but haha, oh silly magic, we use you. They did not think of their actions.

I guess these two will eventually meet, as there are more than one dimension or whatever and it's possible to travel. If you have lots of magic that is, and knows how too. Other than that I do not really know what will happen.

At the end, well it was good, still it also felt like it lacked something, but it was good enough