A review by nickedkins
To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris


Based on the toothpaste tube on the cover and the unfortunate similarity of the author's name to Tim Ferriss, I'd very unfairly assumed that this was going to be a lightweight and breezy set of musings on middle age, coerced into the structure of a novel. Probably a bunch of long-suffering wife stuff, a distant daughter, maybe some professional confrontation.

Anyway, not to spoil it, but the interruption to the protagonist's life was so strange and so exactly up my alley (having recently enjoyed the language sections of [b:Snow Crash|40651883|Snow Crash|Neal Stephenson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1589842551l/40651883._SX50_.jpg|493634] in particular) that I was reeled in completely over the course of a few pivotal early pages.