A review by nerdywerewolf
Pirate Nemesis by Carysa Locke


So, I really enjoyed this book. Generally, I watch sci-fi movies, but stick with UF/fantasy books. For some reason, I just knew I was going to like this one. If all sci-fi was presented in such a way, I may read more of it.

Pirates. Space-smuggling pirates. Not only with telepathic abilities. Oh, no...a plethora of different abilities. Ranging from teleportation to speaking with a ship's computer, depending on who your parents are, of course. That's just the setup.

The characters all have personalities that are at least a little linked to their abilities (or lack thereof). Everyone's unique and has their own motives for being the way they are and it's very clear from the get-go. On top of that, there's a century-old power-struggle between a clandestine organization within the government and the pirates who split off from those same people.

Oh, and a pirate queen with a capital "Q." Yeah, I can't wait for the next book to come out!