A review by diannel_04
House of Spies by Daniel Silva


I have read many series but I can count the ones that hold me beyond book 4 on one hand. This is one of those.

Gabriel Allon is now the chief of The Office, an Israeli security that makes Mossad look public. After the devastating events of the Black Widow he is more determined than ever to kill the terrorist known as Saladin. When Saladin's people release devastating attacks on London and Paris (where Gabriel is seriously injured) this becomes even more crucial.

Together with his English, American and French counterparts as well as Christopher Heller, form British soldier turned Corsican assassin turned British spy, Gabriel puts a plan in motion. To get to him they have to get to Jean-Luc Martel or JLM, one of the biggest nightclub and restaurant owners in France as well as it's biggest dealer in hashish. Between Jean-Luc and his almost-wife, Olivia, they manage to get to Saladin.

As we all know, just because one leader is bumped off doesn't mean another isn't waiting in the wings so I sure there will be more Gabriel Allon books coming out and I, personally, can't wait to read them.