A review by redamancyreads
The Secret Heir by Siobhan Davis


I'm dying you guys.
I don't even know where to begin or what to say to truly explain how much I'm enjoying this story. I mean, it's only book 2 and it's obvious there is much more to come because I mean..you can tell!

I hope this series continues for many more books. Like, double digits. I could read these characters forever.

As usual, I NEVER include any type of spoilers with my reviews because I can't stand them! So as I try to always state, this is a spoiler free review. I mean, I don't even like to say certain parts that I loved because I don't want it to give anything away for you guys!

The story picks up where the first book left off. The chemistry between all the guys and Tori/Alinthia still feels completely authentic and real to me which I love! I love that things are NOT forced between any of them. I'm pretty sure I mentioned in my review for The Lost Savior (Alinthia #1) that this was the first book I have ever read that is part of the Reverse Harem genre. I don't know if I could actually enjoy Reverse Harem if it wasn't written the way that Siobhan writes this.

She makes it feel SO believable! Like, I'm not sitting here reading this thinking "Yeah OKAY she likes ALL these guys? Sure whatever.." instead I'm sitting here rooting and cheering for EACH of the guys. I'm sitting here reading and applauding the way that Tori/Alinthia handles each of the relationships and the intricate emotions that are tied to each relationship.

Just yeah, freaking bravo Siobhan. I love your face and this story! I am absolutely, positively, beyond excited for book three to release.

I voluntarily reviewed an advance, complimentary copy of this book.

I will never, ever, ever, EVER give false praise to a story, I will always, ALWAYS tell you how I honestly feel about it without sugar coating. Of course I'm not a total bitch so I'm also never going to bad mouth an author. I'm very much a half glass full kinda girl, so no matter what you'll only find honest reviews from me on all books that I read and share my thoughts on :)