A review by bookphile
Fushigi Yûgi: The Mysterious Play, Vol. 2: Oracle by Yuu Watase

This one was better, but the pacing is really off. It's really hard to tell how much time has passed like at one point Miaka says she spent months at the palace, but it seems like maybe a couple of days?

The biggest problem, however, is that these characters keep doing like really ridiculous things. Like Miaka literally decides to kill herself to save Hotohori and Tamahome, which ok, is admirable. But then when she returns and is dying, both of the men injure themselves in order to give blood to Miaka. And it's like, WTF are doing??? Is it magically going to flow from you to her? I didn't realize you were in a hospital and you were a match, and not you know, in the middle of the goddam forest in Imperial China?!!