A review by adventuresofaliterarynature
Holding the Fort by Regina Jennings


Regina Jennings has a talent for creating unusual circumstances for her characters that result in a bit of hilarity and create a unique backdrop for the romance. This book was no different and had many amusing moments as well as a sweet love story.
Louisa definitely didn't have it easy growing up but she's doing the best she can. I admired the way she never shirked away from the hard work. When she was fired she immediately sought more work and when she was mistaken as a governess she worked tirelessly to learn what she needed to help teach the girls. She may have been one of the world's most unconventional governesses but she was exactly what Daniel and his girls didn't realize they needed.
Daniel was as by the book as they come but he also had a bit of an adventurous side, and a soft side where his daughters were concerned. He was also very astute and didn't let puzzles go unsolved for long.
On paper Louisa and Daniel may not have made sense but they complimented each other and made a well matched couple.
Caroline and Daisy, Daniel's daughters were entertaining and definitely added a fun element to the story. I also liked Louisa's brother Bradley and Daniel's second-in-command Jack, I'm hoping we get more of their stories in the coming books.
Overall this book was a wonderful book that had me reading non-stop and staying up till almost 1 AM to finish it!
I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.