A review by gunjan2024
Long Lost by Harlan Coben


Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

My first by Harlan Coben. So, it was like meeting Myron Bolitar for the first time. I asked myself, how well did it go? And, I answered myself, pretty much awesome. Hahaha!

Long Lost is a story about a woman Terese who lost her only child, Miriam, in a car accident ten years ago. She has almost swallowed the fact that she is gonna be this way only until one day her ex husband calls her and says that he wants to her something that may change her life and guess what, it indeed does. Not only of hers, but also of the poor man, she was involved physically with, Myron Bolitar. Tadda!

I went quite good through whole story. I was kept on guessing what might the case be. I had my own speculations too. I thought something must be wrong with Terese. But, bam!, it wasn't even the case. The story has its root grounded at terrorism. I would not think that deep, anyhow. And, there was this term Mossad. I was like, woah! This must be something out of my feeble brain. And it was.

The whole story kept on circulating around searching for Terese's daughter. It was full of death. *Sigh* Berleand died too. I liked him. Gosh! That was saddening.
I liked Win the most. And I hope to see him in other parts too. As, Mee to haven't done with Win. ;)

After this one I am not gonna forget,
Man Plans, GOD, laughs.