A review by libeerian
Reading with Patrick: A Teacher, a Student, and a Life-Changing Friendship by Michelle Kuo


Reviewed from an advance reader via Netgalley.

An interesting book that manages to do both personal and political sides quite well. Kuo takes the story of her teaching in Helena, Arkansas and uses it to tell a story of race and inequality in the States. I really enjoyed that Kuo avoided any overly sentimental moments and questions her motives throughout the book (though she doesn't question her motives for writing the book). The book doesn't pretend to paint a rosy picture at the end - life hasn't magically been fixed. It's an honest look at life for her and Patrick.

The ending could have probably used some editing as the book just seems to finish in a way that falls flat. It wraps up many years very quickly that feels out of step with the pace of the rest of the book. I also have some questions about the act of creating the book. Does Kuo have permission from all of her former students to use their works? Are any of the proceeds going to back to the community she is writing about? While she does write about the fact the she questioned her motives for teaching in the Delta, she doesn't raise any of the moral questions of writing about these people over a decade later.

Even with these possible issues, it's a strong book that leads to many discussions about race, teaching, books and more.