A review by agjuba
Mr Lynch's Holiday by Catherine O'Flynn


Because of synopses mentioning "holidays" and "Spain," I requested this book, expecting a somewhat light and enjoyable read. The book turned out to be so much more! It was definitely enjoyable, but also a portrait of conflicting approaches to life -- specifically the ability to make the best of a situation versus losing what is "good enough" in pursuit of "the perfect." I thought the author did a particularly good job of conveying an almost tangible sense of atmosphere. As I read the chapters with focusing on Eamonn's life in Spain, I felt a very real sense of malaise and lethargy. The poignant ending stood out in sharp (and welcome) relief!

My favorite quote: "...hope, it seemed, clung on tenaciously, like the most insidious of weeds. He spent his waking hours hunting down its tendrils and subjecting them to ruthless dousings of cold facts, but still they returned -- a fresh web of low-lying rhizomes each day."