A review by jorgechachas
Dune by Frank Herbert


As often is my routine, I picked this novel up in preparation for the upcoming film release. I wanted to be sure I understood the source material and was acquainted with the universe created by Frank Herbert, and what a universe it was.

This Sci-Fi Fantasy is written into a universe so meticulously constructed that it feels real. Herbert enters the story head-first, with little forced explanations. Instead, you learn as you go through context clues and by referencing the Appendix. This makes the first stretch of the book sometimes feel difficult to understand while making the latter parts extremely rewarding.

The story was amazing but not incomparable to other tales of the sort. I also believe that the middle sections of exploration had areas of both drag and rush. But this novel truly felt like an introduction to something bigger that I hope only gets better and better.

In short, I loved this book, but that is not to say that it was an infallible journey. Dune is a special treasure that's sure to propel me into a deeper dive of the universe. I'm excited to continue on with the second entry in the series soon.

I'm feeling an 8.5 to 9 out of 10.