A review by vixdag
Escape to Pleasure: Lesbian Travel Erotica by Victoria Villasenor


Reviewing any anthology is a tricky endeavor and reviewing an anthology of lesbian erotica is even trickier. An anthology cannot be all things to all people. What one person finds sexy or a turn-on might fall flat with someone else.

I enjoyed Escape to Pleasure. The overall quality of writing was fantastic. Each author brought a unique voice to the collection and there was only one story that I did not like. The two standouts for me were Jeannie Levig’s A Fantasy Getaway and Brit Ryder’s Mistakes Happen. These were the two stories that really felt like erotica to me. Sex and wanting and needing drove these stories and that’s what I look for in erotica.

As I said, the writing in this anthology is top notch. The reason I did not give this anthology five stars is because the collection felt more like erotic romance to me. There were even quite a few stories that felt like they could have been scenes (hot scenes) from a traditional lesfic romance novel. A little more heat and a little more kink would have given this an extra star.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.