A review by liamliayaum
The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang


The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang follows the lives of two people marked by painful circumstances. Anna is an overnight violinist sensation plagued by perfectionism and Quan is trying to find his life again after surviving cancer.

When Anna's family accepted boyfriend Julian announces he wants an open relationship (i.e. he wants to sleep with more women), Anna makes a bold leap for herself and decides to see other people too. But when Anna meets Quan, she can't go through with the one night stand. As Anna slowly understands herself, she is puzzled how Quan has become a lifeline to her and is afraid of what their relationship is becoming. Will Anna stay with Quan, the person who gets her and her family doesn't approve of, or will she go back to the shell she was with Julian and loved by all but herself?

Although I finished this a few days before sitting down to review it, I had to let this one sit with me. I could see myself in Anna in so many ways, it was almost painful for me to read but it was the good pain of someone understanding. This book was exactly what I needed right now. The sexual scenes were tasteful and not every other page, which I immensely appreciated.

This book is for anyone who puts up a façade for people and doesn't allow people to know their true selves. For the people who serve others at the cost of themselves and their needs.