A review by draybaum
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand


Oh no ! The poor billionaires are being oppressed after making all the jobs  :’(. This author is literally insane and has absolutely no understanding of human nature, statistics, motivations or even an ounce of empathy for people with less than ideal circumstances. We are more than just greed, we are social animals. A main point of this book appears to be : follow logic and listen to data and yet the author ignores all data and makes ridiculous unfounded assumptions. Billionaires are allegedly the most brilliant of humanity and the uneducated are the ones to make scientific discovery but years of Vigorous tests confirms that title belongs to doctors, scientists, and mathematicians while the average iq of businessmen is startlingly low. The author claims that a government would insist on monopolies when that’s exactly the opposite of what they do, unbound capitalism and a free market  automatically leads to monopolies as it is in the interest of the profits of the business to consume others and decrease competition so as to inflate prices (as we see today with insulin) . The author claims the great sufferers of society are the wealthy business owners and yet the people around them are starving and destitute and studies indicate a strong link to destitution and lack of motivation and when these people are given a head start their motivation changes (perhaps because they actually have hope and access to fair work conditions). 
I’m convinced she is psychopathic and demonizes empathy, the only characteristic that has kept humans from destroying ourselves with the nuclear bombs we possess 
My boss (who makes 10x what I make) told me to read this and I sincerely regret it especially the 90% of it that is repetitive circular arguments that can be made by a 14 year old and easily refuted with dozens of peer reviewed studies . A pathetic dated McCarthyism shitpile. They act as though business owners (not bound by any moral duties to the people in any official capacity) are the ones who are moral while the careers founded on morality and the general interest of humanity, are immoral and corrupt with absolutely no evidence to back up the claim. Every single scientific advancement that leads to increased profits is undoubtedly out through and the verification process by experts in their fields and spent years of study are necessary for the safety of consumers. 
It’s pathetic that this book totes logic but the author is unable to use actual data and follow logical conclusions to their end point. 
While a professor might say “ everything is relative and nothing has meaning” it is not a literal fact and is always followed by “there is objective rules we have tested and devoted our lives to learning and adjusting for the benefit of humanity” but she leaves this part out because it implodes her ridiculous circumstances and arguments. 
The key ingredient missing in her utopia is that there are no billionaires or industrialists who have any capability to do any of the skills of those that they employ let alone to do dishes or build a house or even do their own laundry without the help of servants. The winners of capitalism are those who know how to skim from the top or exploit those with actual skills that is why the average scientist makes a fraction of a fraction of what a stockbroker makes. This idea that the mind attracts money ignores the corruption of capitalism and the logical path of exploitation to profit. This is why government accountable to people (which corporations are not ) has the duty to skim this fat they take and insert it back into the economy and rule out corporate corruption and excess greed. So unfortunate all of these people don’t critically think when reading this book and compare her ideal with real facts and logic. 

So pathetic that people are stupid enough to gobble this up without actually looking at facts data and figures as the protagonist claims to do.