A review by laughlinesandliterature
A Hundred Gifts by Jennifer Scott


*I received this book from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review *
This book was incredibly sweet and just what I needed to read going into the Christmas holiday. This book is all about slowing down and enjoying your family because life is ever-changing and may change in ways you never saw coming.

Bren was just a wonderfully kind person, I admit for most of this book I wanted to strangle her family for taking advantage of such a hard-working supportive mother, but in the end I realized that this is what families do. You take for granted the people who do the most for you.
In Bren’s case her son and daughter assume that she will always be there to cook/bake/talk to them. And her husband is just so overjoyed to have children out of the house he couldn’t care what she does with her time as long as she leaves him alone. Naturally he assumes that Bren will always be there, and when she finally points out to him that other men are seeing it and offering to take advantage of his absence he comes to his senses, and proves how much he loves her.

What makes this book truly great though is all of the side characters. When Bren decides to teach a cooking class, and meets this motley group of women, it just becomes hilarious. There were times when I was almost laughing out loud because of their antics, but there was also just as much sweetness. Also when the ladies decide that Virginia needs some kindness in her life they do a fantastic job of being realistic about it. Overall this book was just a sweet fun read. 4 out of 5 stars.

*This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam Reviews http://moonlightgleam.com/2017/01/the-hundred-gifts-by-jennifer-scott.html*